Research In Hours , Not Days.

#1. Google scholar alternative. Discover, summarize & organize research papers with AI. Get answers backed by research. Fast.

Search with the language of your choice. Over 100 languages supported.

  • No wasting time constructing keywords. Search for papers using full sentences or a whole paragraph.

  • Save time reading long documents. Chat with PDFs and get answers with citations.

  • Retrieve insights with ease. Organize your library of PDFs. Chat with your entire library or multiple PDFs.

How It Works

Trusted by Students and Researchers at Leading Universities

Save Research hours with Knowledgie!

Knowledgie leverages AI to assist students and industry professionals like you in benefiting from academic and scientific research.

Knowledge Enables you to:

  • Combine the academic rigor of Google Scholar with the conversational ease ChatGTP.
  • Get relevant papers with fewer searches.
  • Save time brainstorming keywords. Use full sentence(s) when searching.
  • Chat with PDFs to understand research and get answers.
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Why Knowledgie is better than google scholar?


Get research papers using full sentences, not keywords.

  • No need to construct clever keywords to find papers. Use full sentences or a paragraph
  • Get a summary of the most relevant papers for each of your searches
  • Use the language of your choice and get papers written even in English.

Dig deeper into full text papers (PDFs) by chatting with them.

  • Ask questions from large PDFs and get answers instead of skimming.
  • Get answers from papers written in English, using your preferred Language.
  • Every response is backed by sources extracted from the PDF.
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Build a personal library. Chat with your library to get answers.

  • Save pdfs you discover on Knowledgie.
  • Upload more pdfs to your library. Get unlimited PDF storage.
  • Search your library using natural language; chat and get answers from your entire library

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Free includes:

  • 50 research papers searches per month
  • 7 papersā€˜ summaries per month
  • 500MB PDF storage
  • Email customer support

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$90 per year


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$180 per year

You will be charged $90 USD today for annual Access

Pro includes

  • Unlimited research paper searches
  • 12,000 papersā€˜ summaries per month
  • 6,000 Chats with PDFs/Library per month
  • Unlimited PDF storage
  • Priority customer support

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We ensure that all stored data, whether it's user profiles, application data, or logs, are encrypted while at rest. This includes our primary databases, backups, and any replicas.

Embeddings Security

We take extra measures to ensure that even embeddings and metadata remains confidential and secure.

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